Sunday, October 5, 2014


Hi...I'm back..It's been a few months since my last published about my self, and now I'm back with some interesting topic about LINUX. Do you know Linux?If you don't know about them, you are actually don't know about one of the most best Open Source OS in the world. Yes, LINUX is an open source OS and it's FREE!!!!!!!Everyone like free product, don't they? I make a bet, that you just know Windows for your laptop or some Mac OS and android, windows phone and iOS for your smartphone. Linux is basically from UNIX OS, just like the most expensive PC OS == MAC OS from Apple, Inc (you must buy their laptop first to get Mac OS). Yes, if you know UBUNTU from LINUX, its UI(User Interface) just like MAC OS from Apple. This is some screenshot in Ubuntu Desktop

Just some information, Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux OS, and its UI is just like the Mac OS, because Linux and Mac OS is a UNIX-based OS. Some of the best feature in Linux is you also get open souce application such as (LibreOffice Writer, Calc, and Impress) they're just like Word, Excel and Powerpoint from Microsoft, but the different is it's all FREE!!!!Can you imagine that?You can make some word document (.doc/.docx) using this application and you don't pay for that! Some additional feautres of an open source OS are you can make change to the OS, settings the systems by your own and etc. Interesting in Linux?Just wait for my next publish!We'll learn how to install Linux on your computer!

About the Author

Unknown / Author & Editor


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